Since my last post, I have several topics to write about. I have enjoyed many teas, worked on tea ware as well as on our garden- all this was stired by wonderful but speedy spring time. It created many stories but has taken all my free time.
When I have an early morning tea I rather stay focused on the teapot then switch on my PC to write about it. This post is going to be short too and with just few impressions from one of several teas I recently had. There will be another "pots post" soon. So please, stay tune...
During sunny days I take my teatable on our terrace...
This tea arrived (with many others) from
Stéphane couple of weeks ago. When it comes to oolongs I am still more on the darker, more roasted or ripe side. In most cases, those too green-sweet-fragrant ones does not fit to my stomach. So when I was opening the first vacuum package of it I was very, very curious. I was not quite sure what to expect. Albeit label on the package indicates many things...
Here is what the label says: Tea- Gao Shan Concubine Oolong
Origin- Lu Shan (1600 m), Taiwan
Harvest- Fall 2011 (August 25th)
And one shot of dry leaves...
Dry, rolled leaves smell pleasantly sweet with light roasted tones. But already preheated leaves show more of the roast and I am happy about it. It is very close to some more fragrant Wui oolongs. Tastes and aromas have very interesting progression thru brews. It is still sweet. But during first brews it is more honey-nutty, then it goes thru honey-fruity phase, to honey-flowery.
This tea is like a very fine mixture of three characters- roasted oolong (wui, hungshui), darker Oriental Beaty and floral, light, Gao Shan. When I sniff wet leaves "Wui-HungShui" aspect dominate. When I sniff to infusion I smell Oriental Beauty. And when I sniff to empty cup there is thousand flowers in it. In my mouth all those aspects are mixed together in to very pleasant nectar. And probably the best part is that it fits to my body. It is strong, energizing tea but without trowing out of balance effect on my stomach.
An unconventional tea jar- gift from my friend and colleague... |
As all higher quality oolongs this tea lasts for many infusions. If you will have a change to try it then I can recommend to make it "all-inclusive"- with good, on charcoal heated water, in proper tea ware and with your full but relaxed attention. Then it can make you day as it made my.
Thank you for reading!