Dear friends,
For all of you who would like to take a look, please visit my new website.
While I am a potter and definitely not a web designer I decided to build this site myself. For a few weeks, I was having a new kind of fun with learning new skills and training my mind in patience while exploring blind streets and exercising rocky mistakes. It is still a work in progress, some features will be added and details need to be tune-up. But it is running already and I am proud and happy. It is nice to have a space to show and share my newest work.
If you will have any feedback, please don't hesitate to share. I am honestly curious to hear how others see it and how it actually work on your end. You can comment here and if you are interested, I will be happy to sigh you for notifications. You are going to recieve an email when bigger batch of teaware will be added. Just drop me a message here, via email or on the website and I will take care of the rest.
Thank you!
Have a beautiful day.